"relationship advice" & Counseling
Relationship advice can help all relationships to achieve a greater sense of satisfaction, harmony, and fulfillment in all areas. Relationship counseling will address where both parties are in the moment, what strengths both people have to offer the relationship, what relationship problems there may be and what might be causing them, as well as how these relationship problems may be resolved in a mutually satisfying way in order to improve the relationship. We will look at the probable choices and opportunities for the relationship in the future, and we will explore how both parties can achieve the greatest degree of happiness and fulfillment, and reach mutually desired goals and outcomes. Both parties are free to ask questions throughout the session.
Relationship counseling focuses on the path of the relationship, its strengths and weaknesses, and the contributions of all parties toward their ultimate destiny. We will focus on creating common goals and a united vision for the future, so that everyone can work together to create a joyful and fulfilling journey. We will uncover any blocks to love, trust and communication in order to maintain a strong foundation upon which to build the present and the future. Where there is willingness, there can be healing of pain, anger, fear, resentment, and separation. We will go to the depth of understanding so that all parties can see themselves and each other in the highest light.
For those relationships that are happy, healthy and thriving, we will focus on how both relationship partners can achieve more of what you desire, how you can both draw on your individual strengths and work together as a team to create the life you choose to live. We can address your plans for the future, and outline the steps and choices that you can take together right now that will support the manifestation of your goals and visions. A relationship session can help to improve relationships and the quality of life for both parties.
For those relationships that are in conflict, I can provide relationship help by exploring and discovering what the underlying issues are on both sides. Through compassion and understanding, we can rescue the relationship by re-opening the lines of communication and co-operation in order to facilitate a harmonious resolution and a peaceful reconnection. Many relationship problems originate at a deep unconscious level that is difficult for both parties to accurately see. With my psychic abilities, I am able to gently uncover hidden fears, wounds, or resentments that are causing pain in the relationship. If these areas of dis-harmony are allowed to fester, they will cause relationship problems that will eventually create a rift. In relationship counseling, we can transform pain and heartache back into love, peace, harmony and respect. Relationship counseling can improve relationships and facilitate peaceful resolutions of any relationship problems for those who are truly willing. Once love is created, it can never be destroyed, only transformed.
Since 1991, I have worked with all kinds of relationships (family members, spouses, engaged couples, etc.) at all stages of relationship problems; my first clients were a couple who were on the verge of divorce, so they came to me to help them rescue and improve their relationship. They later phoned to tell me that I had saved their marriage, which I have also done for many relationships since then. I believe in the power of love, and it is my mission and purpose to help others experience more peace, love and joy in all their relationships.
Through many years of psychic counseling, and through the enriching and beautiful experience of my own happy marriage since 1990, I have come to believe that relationships are about holding hands to support and encourage one another through life's victories and challenges. We can accomplish a great deal of support, resolution, empowerment and understanding during a one-hour relationship counseling session, which can improve all relationships.
Our relationships can be our greatest gifts in life - they offer us the greatest opportunities for our growth and evolution by also offering us the greatest challenges. All relationships can benefit from a deeper sense of compassion and understanding that relationship counseling provides in order to achieve a greater sense of connection and co-operation.
Whether for family relationships such as mother/daughter relationships or mother/son relationships, or for love relationships between two relationship partners, relationship counseling can offer relationship advice that improves relationships, and provides help and rescue for all relationship problems.